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liberty bell center造句

  • The park service promised to include exhibits on slavery at the new Liberty Bell Center.
  • Since 2003, the bell has been housed at the Liberty Bell Center near Independence Hall.
  • Liberty Bell Center : http : / / www . nps . gov / inde / lbc . html
  • The Liberty Bell Center, built to the west of the Pavilion, opened on October 9, 2003.
  • Cywinski was a coauthor of the master plan for the redesign of Liberty Bell Center, which opened in 2003.
  • In late 2000, during excavation for the new Liberty Bell Center, foundations of the President's House were uncovered.
  • The pavilion, to be called the Liberty Bell Center, is part of an ambitious $ 300 million redesign of Independence National Historic Park.
  • Across the street from Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, an iconic symbol of American independence, is displayed in the Liberty Bell Center.
  • Initially, the vacant Pavilion was repurposed as a security building in which visitors headed to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell Center were screened.
  • Future visitors to the Liberty Bell Center will cross more than 140 feet of what was once the president's house, including the slave quarters.
  • It's difficult to see liberty bell center in a sentence. 用liberty bell center造句挺难的
  • The remains of the President's House ( Philadelphia ) were found during excavation for a new Liberty Bell Center, leading to archeological work in 2007.
  • The " Philadelphia Inquirer " started carrying regular stories about the site and stakeholders in April 2002 and continued until the Liberty Bell Center opened in October 2003.
  • The Liberty Bell Center is part of a dlrs 300 million redesign of Independence Mall that includes the new Independence Visitor's Center and the under-construction National Constitution Center.
  • Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House ( now renamed Independence Hall ), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park.
  • Since the discovery in 2001 of the foundations of the Independence Mall, exhibits about slavery and the republic were added to the nearby Liberty Bell Center, which opened in 2003.
  • Some park officials had resisted the argument that slaves and white servants used to live on the spot in front of the Liberty Bell Center, which is now a wide sidewalk along Market Street.
  • It was moved from its longtime home in Independence Hall to a nearby glass pavilion on Independence Mall in 1976, and then to the larger Liberty Bell Center adjacent to the pavilion in 2003.
  • The proposal also would add a security building in a corner of the square and another next to the Liberty Bell Center north of Independence Hall, where the Declaration and the U . S . Constitution were created.
  • Buildings and structures on the Mall include the National Constitution Center ( 3rd block ); the Independence Visitor Center and the Free Quaker Meetinghouse ( 2nd Block ); and the Liberty Bell Center ( 1st Block ).
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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